Problem 2: Roadblock [Brian Dean]
Every morning, FJ wakes up and walks across the farm from his house to the barn. The farm is a collection of N fields
Farmer John's cows, up to no good as always, have decided to interfere with his morning routine. They plan to build a pile of hay bales on exactly one of the M pathways on the farm, doubling its length. The cows wish to select a pathway to block so that they maximize the increase in FJ's distance from the house to the barn. Please help the cows determine by how much they can lengthen FJ's route.
* Line 1: Two space-separated integers, N and M.
* Lines
* Line 1:
The maximum possible increase in the total length of FJ's shortest route made possible by doubling the length of a single pathway.
5 7
2 1 5
1 3 1
3 2 8
3 5 7
3 4 3
2 4 7
4 5 2
Input Details
There are 5 fields and 7 pathways. Currently, the shortest path from the house (field 1) to the barn (field 5) is 1-3-4-5 of total length 1+3+2=6.
Output Details
If the cows double the length of the pathway from field 3 to field 4 (increasing its length from 3 to 6), then FJ's shortest route is now 1-3-5, of total length 1+7=8, larger by two than the previous shortest route length.