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Cow Lineup 1초 128MB


Farmer John has hired a professional photographer to take a picture of some of his cows.  Since FJ's cows represent a variety of different breeds, he would like the photo to contain at least one cow from each distinct breed present in his herd.
FJ's N cows are all standing at various positions along a line, each described by an integer position (i.e., its x coordinate) as well as an integer breed ID.  FJ plans to take a photograph of a contiguous range of cows along the line.  The cost of this photograph is equal its size -- that is, the difference between the maximum and minimum x coordinates of the cows in the range of the photograph.  
Please help FJ by computing the minimum cost of a photograph in which there is at least one cow of each distinct breed appearing in FJ's herd.​


* Line 1: The number of cows, N (1 <= N <= 50,000).

* Lines 2..1+N: Each line contains two space-separated positive integers specifying the x coordinate and breed ID of a single cow.  Both numbers are at most 1 billion.​


* Line 1: The smallest cost of a photograph containing each distinct breed ID.​



25 7
26 1
15 1
22 3
20 1
30 1


USACO 2011 November Contest, Silver Division 2

역링크 공식 문제집만