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Modern Art 3 1초 512MB


Having become bored with standard 2-dimensional artwork (and also frustrated at others copying her work), the great bovine artist Picowso has decided to switch to a more minimalist, 1-dimensional style. Her latest painting can be described by a 1-dimensional array of colors of length N(1≤N≤300), where each color is specified by an integer in the range 1…N.

To Picowso's great dismay, her competitor Moonet seems to have figured out how to copy even these 1-dimensional paintings! Moonet will paint a single interval with a single color, wait for it to dry, then paint another interval, and so on. Moonet can use each of the N

colors as many times as she likes (possibly none).

Please compute the number of such brush strokes needed for Moonet to copy Picowso's latest 1-dimensional painting.


The first line of input contains N.

The next line contains N integers in the range 1…N indicating the color of each cell in Picowso's latest 1-dimensional painting.


Output the minimum number of brush strokes needed to copy the painting.


1 2 3 4 1 4 3 2 1 6


USACO 2021 Febuary Gold

역링크 공식 문제집만